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What people are saying...

Alessandra Silvestrini - Yoga Instructor &

Grinberg Method Practitioner 

Sophie Jackson.jpg

Yesterday, when I was at rock bottom, really the absolute lowest place I've ever been, a place that scared me, an angel came into my lfe.


After a terrible betrayal a few months ago and losing many things that are dear to me, I just wasn't coping anymore.  The love of friends and family can only carry you so far. 


Then my darling friend Sarah sent me her angel. I gave myself to Alina and let her do her thing. 


All I can say after an hour or so (it felt like 5 minutes) I felt . . .  semi-normal, revived, like I had a window of 'normality' ... whatever normal is.  I had clarity, I had Energy. 


The Journey I'm on is a long one, only time will heal me.  Time and learning to love myself. But in the meantime, thank you Alina from the bottom of my heart. x

Sophie Jackson - Client


We run an animal rescue in Barcelona and Alina has worked on various animals that have either suffered with behavioral issues or medical issues.  The results have been amazing. Overall, they were less stressed and in a more relaxed state which had a positive effect on their behavior, they were more receptive and administering medicines was much easier.  We also found that recovery seemed to accelerate and their energy levels increased. 


Alina didn´t charge us for any of her time and it was clear to see that she genuinely wanted to help these animals that otherwise didn´t have a very good start in life.  We are so grateful for her beautiful, calm energy and the commitment she showed consistently.


Alina has a very magnetic energy. She’s warm and kind and patient and has a pull that you just want to be near. When she’s around, you take a moment to be present with her because you don’t want to miss a second of her presence. I’m usually not a very present person, always concerned about what’s next or holding onto something about the past, I suffer a lot from anxiety from this! I’ve had two pranic healing sessions with Alina, although I’m not super versed in these type of spiritual practices, I can say that I felt calmer and clearer. I even fell asleep during the second session!

 Frieda Hor - Bar Manager


This was my first time being introduced to energy healing therapy, and it is an experience that will not be forgotten. Alina is wonderful. She is masterful at the beauty of her craft, and has a way to connect to your soul on a spiritual level. Putting this feeling into words is indescribable, and I feel like this is an understatement. I highly recommend Alina and can’t wait to work with her again!

Don Tran - Respiratory Therapist UCSD


I think for the most part, people are generally very skeptical when trying something new for the first time. This could be anything as normal as getting a massage, going to acupuncture or trying a new product for the very first time.   Speaking for myself, I think I innately grew up just questioning everything, but at some point, if I learn it is good for the soul- I am willing to give it a try. I am so glad I did, self-care is an absolute must.


I’ve only done a couple of sessions with Alina but the best way for me to describe how I feel after a session is for me to compare it to something that I treat myself to often, a massage.  Typically, after a massage I feel so relaxed and feel like for that moment I have no cares in the world.  For that hour (1.5 hour if I splurge), I feel like my mind is temporarily shut off from the world and I am in a state of Zen. That is now I felt after seeing Alina and having her work her magic.


I am pregnant right and she made sure to use a very gentle healing on me and the baby.  When she was working on me, I could feel the energy shifting from my head and it felt like she was clearing the cloud out of my head.  At some point, I felt so relaxed I fell asleep. At the end of the Pranic healing and Angelic Reiki session- I felt like a brand-new person, as if all the toxins left my body and had new positive energy circulating through my body.


Alina is such a pleasant person to be around. I find that she is so knowledgeable and passionate about what she does, it is amazing!  I’ve since had 2 sessions now and will continue going to her. Like anything you do, the upkeep is necessary in order to continue feeling great!

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